
Change of opening hours


Change of opening hours

Our Summer opening Hours will come to efFect From Monday 1st of April.


Monday - Friday 12pm - 2.00pm & 5.00pm - 10pm

Saturday - Sunday 12-10pm

Last chance to sit down for lunch is 1:45pm and dinner is 8:45pm

your albero team !


Wine and dine

Enjoy a selection of delicious food and drink inspired by the flavours of Italy.

Wine and dine

Enjoy a selection of delicious food and drink inspired by the flavours of Italy.


Authentic Italian Pizza & Pasta Restaurant

Please be aware we do not take bookings for tables larger than 8 people in main season due to capacity. No multiple table bookings will be accepted !

We are a small restaurant so booking is essential, especially over the busy period.

We run two seating services; the first for bookings between 5 pm to 6:30 pm and the second from 7:30 pm until 8:30 pm. We allow a maximum of 2 hours on the table.

There are limited parking spaces available behind the restaurant.

Sorry no dogs are allowed in the restaurant, except service dogs.

Authentic Italian Pizza & Pasta Restaurant

Please be aware we do not take bookings for tables larger than 8 people in main season due to capacity. No multiple table bookings will be accepted !

We are a small restaurant so booking is essential, especially over the busy period.

We run two seating services; the first for bookings between 5 pm to 6:30 pm and the second from 7:30 pm until 8:30 pm. We allow a maximum of 2 hours on the table.

There are limited parking spaces available behind the restaurant.

Sorry no dogs are allowed in the restaurant, except service dogs.

Relaxed dining in the New Forest National Park


Fresh fired oven baked pizza

All our dough is freshly prepared on a daily basis.Our pizzas are cooked in a 300 degrees Celsius oven which takes only about 90 seconds to cook.


starters & Desserts

All our starters and dessert dishes are freshly prepared and made to order.


Freshly prepared pasta

we are proud to say that all our pasta is freshly made in house on a daily basis giving you that authentic flavour

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